Friday, September 5, 2008

Urgent Message from Lou Engle and Matt Lockett

Dear Bound4LIFE Family,
Four years ago Lou Engle and a small company of young people gathered for 50 days of round-the-clock prayer for the ’04 elections. That company was then divinely launched to Washington, DC for daily focused intercession in front of the Supreme Court. A cry for justice took shape through a curious piece of RED TAPE over their mouths as they silently “lobbied” Heaven for a pro-life President, righteous Judges and the overturning of Roe v. Wade. That faithful stand became what you now know as the Bound4LIFE Movement. At this four-year anniversary I want to thank you for however you’ve helped to see this vision spread like wildfire throughout the nation.

Once again we find ourselves at a pivotal moment in our history with the elections looming large on the horizon.

Prayer mobilization is exploding throughout the body of Christ as we are about to enter into an intense period of time before these Elections. I can’t help but wonder how high the stakes are when God is beckoning so many into the place of prayer and fasting right now. For 40 days there will be two strategic prayer strikes coordinated on both coasts. Lou Engle will be leading 40 days in San Diego with a strong focus on the marriage amendment facing California voters on November 4th. At the same time I will be leading 40 days in Washington, DC with an intensified focus on the Presidential Election and righteous Judges on the Supreme Court. I believe the fate of the nation hangs in the balance between these two seats of power and influence. Will the advance of the culture of death and false ideologies be thrown back or will the nation be swept away in a deluge of chaos and immorality?

Facedown40- Sept 24-Nov 2

I will be leading this initiative in DC with a core team of young volunteers from around the country.

I will be leading this initiative in DC with a core team of young volunteers from around the country. Bound4LIFE Chapter Leaders will also join throughout the 40 days as schedules allow. A generation is being trained and equipped to fight the battles of the Lord. LIVE VIDEO and WRITTEN UPDATES will keep you connected and informed of the teams insights and direction. Go to to follow throughout the 40 days.
I invite you to listen to an IMPORTANT CONFERENENCE CALL with LOU ENGLE and MATT LOCKETT describing the 40-day initiative and the urgency of this hour. Simply go to to listen to the recorded message at your own convenience.

Would you please consider sowing financially into this vital prayer initiative RIGHT NOW? Your contribution will go directly toward making this 40 Day Prayer Strike have maximum impact.

Pressing on in faith, hope and love.
Matt LockettExecutive DirectorBound4LIFE Intl.