Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What is the true origin of Christmas?

After reading this post from Ashley@Putting God First and then this one from Sarah Mae@Like a Warm Cup of Coffee, I started thinking about somethings. My husband likes the part of Christmas that pertains to the birth of Christ,but he doesn't like the commercialization of it. I don't either,but I love to decorate and pull the Christmas Tree out. I have been wanting to do something different though. Not the same ol' thing. Different is born in me,it's a part of my being. It always has been. My Mother will be the first to tell you that. When everyone else was wearing the new styles,I stuck with my old ones. When everyone else was doing this,I was doing opposite. Now, that I'm a believer in Christ I want to be the different He wants me to be. Back to the Christmas subject. On Sarah Mae's post she talks about Advent Calender and the Jesse Tree. That isn't the only website for the Jesse Tree,but I liked the devotions and ornaments from that one. I really liked that idea! I thought, I will tell my husband about it and see what he thinks. I wanted to incorporate more about Jesus birth and not just about presents and we don't do the whole santa claus thing either. My husband liked the idea,but suggested we just keep our tree or get a smaller one. We both said we could keep talking about it and see what we would do. I used to be one who thought without a Christmas Tree it just didn't feel like Christmas. How naive of me. How ridiculous. I always said well it's just a family tradition that I love to do. Decorate the tree,the house,and go looks at lights. Hmm.... I think God is stirring something in me and calling me to let go of somethings.

Today I read this post from At the Well. I really liked it. I read about why Lisa and her family do not do Halloween and read some of the links. God prompted me to do a search on the origin of Christmas..... Did I want too? Sort of,but not completely. I found a few sites that I skimmed over found some pretty disturbing facts. I found one I was reading,but I haven't finished. It seems very reliable,but I haven't read it all. This is the site, . It hasn't got the author or anything about who is composing the information. If anyone could help me find out who it is,I would like that. It isn't just a thrown together site that's for sure,it has resources with each statement. The others I found were with denominations.

 I started thinking, I can't not do "Christmas"! What will our family think? Our friends? My husband? I'm not saying what I will do as of now. I do know that God has brought me to this for a reason. I discussed it some with my husband this morning and he said we could do some research and pray about it to see what God takes us. I have come to a place over the last year where I am ready and willing to let go of the tradition though. By that I mean, the decorating and all. It's about Christ,not a tree,or decorations. From some of the sites I have been reading the day we celebrate his birth is nowhere close to the  date some have gained from facts. It's a pagan day for the sung god. I won't go into more about all that, you can read and research it. If it is a pagan holiday that is still celebrated and it is not even remotely close to his birthday I just do not want to celebrate it on that day. I'm an all or nothing type of person. My husband will tell you that.

Is it crazy that God may be leading me not to celebrate Christmas on this day? I don't know. I don't think it is. He calls us to things that He may not call others too. I'm not writing this to condemn or judge,as my blog says it's from my heart. I have questions and I just want to do what God wants us to do,not my family,friends,or the world. Anyone have any thoughts for me? We are a very different family anyways,so this wouldn't shock anyone I don't think. They may think we are nuts,but oh well I guess. My husband and I will be researching and praying about this. Thanks for reading and for any input.